'Hello World'
From a normie, wanting to make it to the top of blockchain programming.
Hey there! I am a simple person without an IT degree, who will give his best to become a professional blockchain developer. I will blog about:
- general info that made my coding journey easier.
- simple errors that I encountered and how I managed to solve them ( after banging my head against the wall for hours).
- sources of valuable information like books, videos, articles and more.
I have had some decent experience browsing the Ethereum blockchain and interacting with it via Meamask and Etherscan. My biggest finding which lead to my decision to become a blockchain developer happened at the beginning of 2021, ( a couple of weeks prior to sniping scripts and Telegram liquidity bots becoming mainstream) when I found the factory contract of Uniswap. Thanks to it, I had the enormous advantage of buying the majority of new ERC20-tokens before they popped up.
And then it all started -HTML, CSS, JS, React, Solidity. This is the path that I chose to follow and here are my arguments about it:
- HTML and CSS are simply the core of the Internet.
- Javascript is used in 97 websites out of a hundred (source:w3techs )
- React and Solidity go hand-in-hand for making a solid Dapp.
Tip: If you want to become a web developer of any kind, please, PLEASE, start with HTML and CSS. Heading directly to JS or React without an IT degree, knowledge or experience will only slow you down because you will be trying to build a skyscraper without a foundation.
The best book to get started, in my opinion, is Head First HTML and CSS:. Explained in a simple way that does not require you to be Neo or Morpheus to understand what is going on.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk and staying until the end of my introductory article. I will soon write about a simple handy tip that helped me immensely to save time when writing HTML in Microsoft Visual Studio Code.